Bingham University Receives Students From Child Pact School On A Field Trip

Published on: Jul 20th, 2024

Bingham University recently received students from Childpact Schools Kuchikau II v on a field trip, accompanied by some of their staff members. The delegation was warmly received by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Musa Dankyau in his office.


Mr. Paul Fanhi Domsing, the representative of the delegation, informed Prof. Dankyau that the purpose of the visit was for the students to gain insight into  higher education and explore academic opportunities.


In his welcoming address, Prof. Musa Dankyau engaged the students by asking about their future career aspirations. He shared a personal story about an accident he had as a child and how a compassionate doctor inspired him to pursue a career in medicine. Prof. Dankyau encouraged the students to dream big, like Joseph in the Bible, emphasizing that it is never too early to start dreaming. He advised them to work hard and study diligently to achieve their dreams.


Prof. Dankyau also highlighted that Bingham University is a faith-based institution, rooted backed by Christian beliefs. He emphasized that the university's vision and mission aim to produce students who are not only academically proficient but also possess strong values and practical capabilities, ready to make a positive impact in society.

The students asked various questions, including who owns the university and how many courses are offered. Prof. Dankyau responded that Bingham University is owned by the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) and has 15 faculties and 40 undergraduate  and 40 postgraduate programs.


Mr. Paul Fanhi Domsing expressed his gratitude to the university, stating that  they were honored to be received by such a high ranking officer as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and appreciated the inspirational words spoken to the students, which he described as seeds sown into their lives.

As part of the field trip, the students toured the university campus, including the Faculty of Science and Technology, where many of the students have interests in various fields of science. Dr. Lilian Adogo, Head of Biological Sciences, welcomed the students and staff members on behalf of the Faculty. 


The highlight of the visit was a handshake with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, as many students had never met a professor before. They also enjoyed viewing different bacteria through a microscope. Other places visited by the students included the University Chapel, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Architecture.