Bingham University Community Welcomes New Vice-Chancellor ,Prof Haruna Kuje Ayuba During Chapel Hour

Published on: Jan 12th, 2024

Bingham University community  welcomed  the new Vice-Chancellor, Prof Haruna Kuje Ayuba, during a special Chapel service. This momentous occasion was marked by an atmosphere of enthusiasm and anticipation.

In his address, Prof Ayuba conveyed his sincere gratitude to the  Principal officers, Senate, management team, and the entire community for the warm reception . He paid tribute to his predecessor, Prof W.B Qurix, OFR for raising the profile of the University. He called on all and sundry to accord him the needed support to move the University to even greater hights.

Prof. Ayuba also commended the Chaplaincy for their exceptional efforts in nurturing spiritual and moral values among students.
Highlighting his commitment to student welfare, Prof. Ayuba lauded the students for their exemplary role as ambassadors of the university.

 He urged them to continue adhering to the guidelines and regulations outlined in the student handbook, emphasizing the importance of discipline and integrity in academic pursuits.

Looking forward, Prof. Ayuba shared his vision for the university, focusing on value addition and continued growth in academic and infrastructural domains. Key initiatives include the construction of additional hostels to ensure comfortable on-campus living for all students and the enhancement of chapel facilities, including upgraded sound systems and public address equipment, to enrich the spiritual experience.

In his concluding remarks, Prof. Ayuba encouraged students to dedicate themselves to their studies, especially with upcoming examinations. He stressed the university's zero-tolerance policy towards any form of examination misconduct, underlining the institution's commitment to academic excellence and ethical conduct.

Prof. Ayuba concluded with a note of optimism, expressing eagerness for further interaction with the university community and the unfolding of more action plans aimed at fostering an environment of excellence and innovation at Bingham University.

Earlier, the Registrar,Dr.Mrs Esther J. Dyaji introduced the new Vice-Chancellor to the University community which received a resounding applause.