Bingham University’s Zankli Research Centre And The Light Consortium Host Capacity Strengthening Workshop On Manuscript Development For Ministry Of Health And Tb Researchers.

Published on: Oct 15th, 2024

Bingham University’s Zankli Research Centre recently held a Capacity Strengthening Workshop for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) officers and other tuberculosis (TB) researchers from across Nigeria. Organized by the LIGHT Consortium, the workshop aimed to enhance participants' skills in manuscript development and scientific writing, fostering growth in research methodology and manuscript preparation.


In his address, Dr. John Bimba, Director of the Zankli Research Centre, thanked all participants and encouraged them to put more effort into learning the art and skills of manuscript writing. He also challenged them to use data from their respective states to develop manuscripts for publication, emphasizing that the results could guide TB policy formulation.


Dr. Chukwuma Anyaike, Director of Public Health at the Federal Ministry of Health, highlighted the importance of prioritizing manuscript readiness for publication. He urged participants to increase their involvement in scientific writing and the submission of abstracts, and pledged the Federal Ministry of Health’s support for manuscript development. He expressed optimism about the role of research in advancing public health initiatives, especially in TB control, and commended the efforts of the LIGHT Consortium and Zankli Research Centre for organizing the impactful workshop.


Dr. Ochuko Urhioke, Acting National Coordinator of the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control and Buruli Ulcer Programme (NTBLCP), applauded the LIGHT consortium for the capacity strengthening workshop which he noted as the first of its kind to be organized by a partner for NTBLCP M&E officers. He emphasized the significance of the training, noting that improving research and manuscript writing skills is essential for career development. He further encouraged participants to embrace teamwork and collaboration to maximize the workshop's outcomes.


Earlier in his presentation, Assoc. Prof. Toyosi Adekeye, Research Uptake Manager of the LIGHT Consortium and Head of the Department of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care,Bingham University, outlined the workshop's objectives. These included enhancing the scientific writing skills of NTBLCP M&E officers and other TB researchers in Nigeria, familiarizing them with the submission and peer-review process for scientific manuscripts, and fostering collaboration among health professionals on manuscript development and dissemination.


The event which was facilitated by Dr. John Bimba, Assoc. Prof. Toyosi Adekeye, Assoc Prof. Kingsley Okafor, Dr. Ebuka Ugwu, and Dr. Chidi Aneke marked a significant milestone in advancing scientific writing and research skills within the TB research and evaluation community. Participants gained a clearer understanding of how to narrow down their research topics and refine their manuscript development processes, ultimately improving the quality and publication of their work.